Monday, January 18, 2010

Internship # 7

What characteristics and qualities do you see in the people at your internship that you'd like to develop in yourself?:
There are many things I find admirable about my mentors. The first thing I'd like to bring up is their creativity, and appreciation for art. On the first days of my internship, they were telling me that while they watch movies, they sometimes pause the movie to appreciate the lighting, and think that would make a great picture. Sometimes, they even use this as inspiration. They've also shown me examples of the work of some famous photographers that I've never even heard of, such as Annie Leibovitz. I honestly cannot believe I had never heard of this amazing photographer. She's captured so many lifestyles, and has taken so many different creative pictures. It's just beautiful. I would like to find out more about more famous photographers, and adopt and learn from their styles.
Another thing I find admirable about Betsy and Jeff is how outgoing and fun they are. They seem to be able to keep up a fun conversation with everyone, and have a genuine interest for people. They have a way of making people feel comfortable in front of the camera, which is key for people photography. Being a leader in general is needed if you want to be a successful photographer, and to me, they've got that. I only hope to be more like them as I get older. Hopefully sooner than later.

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