Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Intern Interview

What was your high school experiance like?
HS introduced me to a lot of creative outlets. I worked on yearbook at the end of HS.

What was your college experiance like?
I LOVE College! College is really where I developed my creative side and sense of self. We didn't have a photography major, but I was still photographing the world as a hobby. I learned to think critically about the world in my exploration of who I was and where I wanted to go. I came in as an architecture major and left with a communications degree. I learned to handle all aspects of the creative industry I chose to be a part of: graphic design. I wrote and designed. Photography was still a hobby. We started our business 6 years ago.

What do you wish you had known before you went to college?
I wish I had known how much photography was going to be such a huge part of my life. I didn't think I could make a living doing photography at that time, I just thought it would be a hobby, never a career. I wish I had known that possibility!

What did you think you were going to be while studying in college?
I think that this is the same answer as #3 for me! Photography is my second career. I was a graphic designer for years. However, I also think that my graphic design sense of style and aesthetic has most definitely influenced my photography style.

What inspires you?
Other photographers, our friends and family, and clients. We find great inspiration in the people who surround us and get excited about the way we see the world. Travel also plays a great role in inspiring us as well. It's ALWAYS good to go out capture the world and our experiences in a new light!

What's the strangest way an oppertunity presented itself to you?
We got together with our wedding photographer for an anniversary shoot with our dog. We had always kept in contact with him and he knew we did a lot of photography as a passionate hobby. He asked how that was going, what we had been up to lately. He asked if we had ever thought of people photography. We hadn't! So he encouraged us to come out and shoot with him at some weddings and see what we thought of that kind of photography. We fell in love with it immediately!!!

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