Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internship #5

In this blog post, write about what you would like to learn when you interview your mentor. Post the big ideas and main topics you want to discuss and why they are important to you.
Also, discuss when this could take place. Schedule a time and place with your mentor (or coworker) and post that info in your blog, if possible (you will need to know this by early next week). Locate and reserve a computer or other recording device to document this interview.
Post all of this info below your writing about your ideas and goals for your interview.

I would like to learn about how my mentor got into photography in the first place. So far, I know that one of my mentors had a mild interest in photography while in highschool, but during college pursued a completely different profession, and the rest is history. I would like to know more about the details of their journeys. I hope this will open my eyes more to the possibilities of life.
I plan on conducting this interview on Friday the 22nd.

I have already finished reading the Lightroom book (at least most of it). There are a lot of sections that have tech talk that I don't quite understand, or I don't have to know right now. Some of it was more advanced than I am ready to learn. I also finished watching what I needed to of the Adobe tutorials. I'm glad I'm getting ahead of the game. Now, I'm working on my business plan (one of my final products), my other blog (another final product), and checking out (which will turn into a resource for another final product). At 2pm, I will be going out taking pictures around La Mesa, and when I get home, I will practice photographing people (using my family as subjects). While taking pictures of my family, I have to use the 50 ways to say "you're awesom" that I came up with (yes, I succeeded in doing that), as well as work on lighting, and everything I learned on Monday.
One of the goals is for me to break out of my shell, so my mentors want me to practice projecting my voice. I'd like to acheive this goal, and I know it's going to be hard, but it's for education and growth. I'm so glad my mentors are this great.
Just for fun, here's the 50 ways I came up with (note that these are the type of things I'd be saying as a photographer behind a camera as I'm taking the pictures):

1. That’s great!
2. Awesome!
3. Sweet!
4. You’re so cute!
5. That’s adorable!
6. Perfect!
7. Great!
8. Beautiful!
9. Lovely!
10. Magnifique!
11. Ooh!
12. Nice!
13. Very nice!
14. Terrific!
15. I love it!
16. The camera just loves you
17. Gorgeous!
18. That’s the way!
19. Give me more!
20. Yes!
21. Brilliant!
22. Pretty!
23. Exquisite!
24. Divine!
25. Marvelous!
26. You’re nailing it!
27. Excellent!
28. Outstanding!
29. Superb!
30. Tremendous!
31. Super duper!
32. Super cute!
33. Super cool!
34. You guys look great!
35. You look great!
36. Aww!
37. Right on!
38. You got this! You go this
39. WooOOoo!
40. Oh yeah!
41. You’re rocking it!
42. You rock!
43. Rock on!
44. Ooh la la!
45. Work it!
46. You’re doing great!
47. Fabulous
48. Fahhbulous
49. Keep it up!
50. Just like that!

1 comment:

  1. The words and sayings you came up with here are amazing! Haha, I love them. =D

    10. Magnifique!

    38. You got this! You go this
    39. WooOOoo!

    Those are my favorite! Haha, I can totally see you saying these to people as you take pictures of them.
