Feels like I've been sitting in front of a wall all day. Maybe I'm a ghost...or a zombie.
I don't mean this in a bad way. All of the work I've been asked to do requires me to be infoors, in front of my laptop, working. I guess the rain outside gave me even more of an excuse to stay inside. While doing this intership, I've started noticing more of how beautiful the world is. I'm amazed by how much of the beauty I haven't seen, even in my own neighborhood. In the very beginning of this internship, I realized that every single moment is once in a lifetime. Photography has become so much more important to me, because I know that there are just so many lovely moments that just slip by, even now. My gaze has been widened so much. How many more moments will I be able to capture? Where will my life take me? It all seems like one great big adventure for me to document now. I love walking around everywhere more than I ever have before, and getting on the ground and climbing things to find new angles to take a picture of what I see seems so much more natural now.
Oh, I didn't do yesterday's blogpost mostly because all I could find about them was their adress's, and their website. So I'll be asking all of my questions when I interview Jeff tomorrow.
Questions I'll be asking:
1. What was your highschool experiance like? How did it lead you to where you are today?
2. What was your college experiance like? How did it differ from highschool?
3. What do you wish you had known before you went to college?
4. What do you wish you had known after you left college?
5. What is your favorite part about your work?
6. What inspired you to get into professional photography?
7. How did you end up here?
8. How much have you changed compared to how you were in highschool? College?
9. Who was/is your greatest inspiration?
10. How did oppertunities open up for you?1/18/09
Yes, I went to internship on MLK Day. It's an important holoday for my family, but it wasn't as if I were giving up anything. I enjoyed being at internship, and it was my choice to go. Afterall, I'm doing so much on this internship, I have to get in and learn more as much as I can. Sieze the moment, I guess.
Isn't it just hilarious that this week, my photography was supposed to be focussing on sunsets and silhouettes? Kind of hard to do with raging gray clouds in the way of the sky, and thrashing wind blowing the camera out of my hands (that didn't happen, but it seems like it would). It's supposed to rain all week, too. I'm trying to brainstorm what I should take pictures of next. I love the rain, but it's pretty hard to capture on camera--at least for mine.
But anyway, back to business. Today during ingternship, since we didn't get to go out and take pictures, Betsy taught me about metering and white balance, as well as movement within pictures (how to capture it). I have a generalm understanding of that, but it was a good review, and I even learned more. Contrast is a key element in a lot of photography.
We also went over photoediting and presets. It was a pretty busy day for Betsy and Jeff. They had to do a lot of editing, and phone calls, and so on. They even showed me some pictures they took of dancers. It was lovely, really, and it was kind of interesting to see them in there focused modes.
Yes, I went to internship on MLK Day. It's an important holoday for my family, but it wasn't as if I were giving up anything. I enjoyed being at internship, and it was my choice to go. Afterall, I'm doing so much on this internship, I have to get in and learn more as much as I can. Sieze the moment, I guess.
Isn't it just hilarious that this week, my photography was supposed to be focussing on sunsets and silhouettes? Kind of hard to do with raging gray clouds in the way of the sky, and thrashing wind blowing the camera out of my hands (that didn't happen, but it seems like it would). It's supposed to rain all week, too. I'm trying to brainstorm what I should take pictures of next. I love the rain, but it's pretty hard to capture on camera--at least for mine.
But anyway, back to business. Today during ingternship, since we didn't get to go out and take pictures, Betsy taught me about metering and white balance, as well as movement within pictures (how to capture it). I have a generalm understanding of that, but it was a good review, and I even learned more. Contrast is a key element in a lot of photography.
We also went over photoediting and presets. It was a pretty busy day for Betsy and Jeff. They had to do a lot of editing, and phone calls, and so on. They even showed me some pictures they took of dancers. It was lovely, really, and it was kind of interesting to see them in there focused modes.
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