Post two different ideas of final products that you might be interested in making. For each one, do the following:

3. List three specific ideas that you can take from your example to lead you to a high quality product. Write specifically how you will apply these ideas to your work here. Be as clear, exact & specific as you can!
1. Write a sentence describing the final product:
1. Write a sentence describing the final product:
A photography product showing the trashcans (or lack of) and the garbage on the beach, and captions on what information I have found.
A photography product showing the trashcans (or lack of) and the garbage on the beach, and captions on what information I have found.
2. Post an example of a professional or other high-level product that could serve as a basis for your work.

3. List three specific ideas that you can take from your example to lead you to a high quality product. Write specifically how you will apply these ideas to your work here. Be as clear, exact & specific as you can!
-I like the lighting in the trash can picture, so I can try to take my pictures at a good time of day where the lighting will make more pop out.
-I can also try to get a picture of how many trashcans there are on the beach from a higher poit perspective. The first picture inspired me.
-I can get pictures of the trash along the shore, and try to find out where it's all coming from, and write about it in my captions.
1. Write a sentence describing the final product:
I could make a video/documentary on how dirty the shores are, and film interviews, and the beach itself.
2. Post an example of a professional or other high-level product that could serve as a basis for your work. (The Plastic Gyre video, and What Do You Really Know? video)
3. List three specific ideas that you can take from your example to lead you to a high quality product. Write specifically how you will apply these ideas to your work here. Be as clear, exact & specific as you can!
-I could sort of connect my project to the North Pacific Gyre by adding in a little fact or two abut it as a way to show one of the biggest effects of littering.
-I could film interviews with organizations trying to help this as well as other sources.
-I could present my facts in a more fun way in the video, and add more personality to the narration.
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