Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog #14

Narrow your potential MSB questions down to one that might work for you. Then, do the following:
1. Post the main question.

Why are there so few trash cans and recycling bins on the beach?

2. Post at least three subquestions that relate to the main question, help you answer it, might generate interesting research or resources, address part of the issue, could help you if you get stuck, etc.

How many trashcans are there in one mile of the beach? What areas have the least trashcans, and what areas have the most trash? Is anyone trying to change this? How? What would it take to add more?
3. Post at least three potentially useful resources. These could be news stories, videos, photography, etc.
-Possibly an official from the City Hall
-Officials from foundations that organize beach cleanups (such as Surfrider and Coastkeeper)
-The actual beach
-People on the beach (what they think about it)
- (This is an article about recycling bins that were recently put on the beach)

4. Write a few sentences or make a list of ideas that you got from your resources that could help move your project forward. How can you apply this information? How might it work for you?

I could talk to a few beach organizations about cleaning up the beaches, if they think the lack of trashcans is one of the reasons why there’s so much litter, etc. I can also find organizations that are working to get recycling bins onto the beach (I know theres at least one, but I can’t find it right now). Counting the trashcans will help me get a sense of how the trashcans are arranged, and how effective this system is, and asking people about what they think will give me more general information on how important it is. If I do manage to get an interview with someone in city hall (such as the mayor), then I can find out how much it costs to get trashcans, what’s stopping us, what it would take, and so on. But I'm still thinking about it.

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