Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog #15

Many aspects of our modern world can be traced wholly or in part to World War 2 and it's aftermath. Write a blog entry in which you explain why it interests you, what you already know and what you hope to learn about it in the near future.

I'm most interested in the modern ideas of war & war crimes mostly because I feel like there's a lot to discuss and debate on about on this topic. What I already know is my opinions on war, and many of the people I talk to agree with me on these views. However, I am limited to only seeing this point of view. I am very much interested in learning about what other people have to say about modern war, and how it effects them. I'm also interested in making a comparison between past wars (such as WW2) and current wars to see what the biggest differences are in the societies they effect the most, and how they effect our societies all together.

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