Evaluate The Great Gatsby as a criticism of the corruption of the American Dream.
The Great Gatsby is popularly interpreted as a criticism of the American dream. In this criticism, F. Scott basically says that the American dream is shallow, unattainable, and over exaggerated. F. Scott’s, The Great Gatsby is certainly an interesting new perspective on wealth, the American dream, and what it does to people, but at the same time, his criticism seems to be a bit over exaggerated. It would seem that F. Scott Fitzgerald misinterpreted the American dream all together.
Daisy and Tom Buchanan are described as a lovely couple with a lovely house in East Egg, where most of the rich people in New York live. Tom Buchanan is married to beautiful Daisy, but is blatantly cheating on her with a poverty-stricken woman named Myrtle, whom he spoiled with his own money. This shows that money really doesn’t buy happiness. I can agree with that much, but I have a different idea of what the American dream is. The American dream is that people of all types, from all backgrounds are able to prosper in America, the land of opportunity. Is it possible that F. Scott is criticizing equal opportunity in America?
Not likely. Tom Buchanan is portrayed as a Caucasian jock who really doesn’t have much logic or smarts of his own, and is essentially made into one of the bad guys of the book. In the first chapter of The Great Gatsby, Tom says “it’s up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things.” The characters around him then begin to taunt him a bit. Clearly F. Scott Fitzgerald was supportive of equality for everyone, since he was making the man that the audience was against say that line. F. Scott was writing in a satirical format to get his point across.
In The Great Gatsby, the American dream seems to be to be filthy rich with a happy family, and excitement around every corner. In F. Scotts sense of the American dream, Daisy and Tom achieved it by having so much money. But, as Nick Carraway our narrator points out, they still seem to come up short handed, and in fact still wanted more. Tom wanted another woman, most likely for the excitement of scandal, and Daisy just wanted more excitement in general, constantly trying to be on the run to new as well as familiar places. Then there was the oh-so-mysterious Gatsby. He came out of nowhere and bought a huge house, and had extravagant parties every weekend. As it turned out, he was formerly in an intimate relationship with Daisy years ago, and struggled to earn all this money to impress her. Money was the key to Daisy’s heart—at least that’s what Gatsby believed. According to our narrator, Nick Carraway, “he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from Daisy”. Everyone had some sort of fetish with money.
However, The Great Gatsby did seem to hold a few examples of the American dream within his story. Jay Gatsby himself came from a fairly poor background, and worked his way up. But his motivation was Daisy, rather than money. It just so happens that money was basically the only way to get Daisy’s attention. My interpretation of The Great Gatsby is that F. Scott is actually criticizing people who obsess with money, or people obsessing with getting rich. Almost every character in this book were focused on money, and none of them were anywhere near happy with their lives. These people who achieved the one goal of getting a ton of money didn’t really have anything else to do. What do you do after you’ve achieved your one goal? The people in this book simply got bored and tried to make their own excitement.
“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…And one fine morning—
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
This quote of course leaves us with the question: what happens after the all the running? What do we get out of it? Does anyone even know? It is a common psychological conception that if we can just get this (whatever this may be), we’ll be happy, or life will be easier, or something else along those lines. If The Great Gatsby is a criticism of the American dream, then that would mean that F. Scott believes that money is the dream. And judging by this quote, it looks like F. Scott actually is saying that it is the actual struggle and perseverance to our goals that makes life worth living, even if we don’t really know the outcome of what happens when we get it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Great Gatsby
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Blog 24
1. The current event you picked for Blog #9. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
"A nonlethal device best known for beating back pirates off the coast of Somalia was deployed by local police in San Diego at political gatherings, and even at a competition to build sand castles"--September 14th, 2009
This article gives me examples of how else our beaches are being treated.
2. The current event you picked for Blog #23. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
Residents Protest End to 2nd Trash PickupFebuary 7th, 2009In Mission Beach, city trucks would come by to pick up trash twice a week. The second time in the week they would do this, it was free. However, due to budget cuts, these extra and free trash pickups can’t continue.
This gives me a starting place for my pictures and brings up budget cuts that effect garbage cans.
3. An interesting current event you found by reading a classmate's blog. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
From looking at Constance’s blog, I read an article about litter California sends down to Mexico, only to have it drift back into San Diego. More recycling programs will now be issued.
4. A brand new current event that you just found that is interesting and useful for your MSB project. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
This article is talking about how much more people visit Sunset Cliffs, one of the beaches I will be studying, and how the increased popularity is causing vegetation loss among other things. This was only the start of the concerns.
5. Another brand new current event that you just found that is interesting and useful for your MSB project (yes, this time you are finding two new current events). Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
8,000 pounds of trash 45,000 cigarette butts were left on the beach on the fourth of July, and there is now a yearly July 5th beach clean up as a result of the constant massive amounts of litter left on San Diego beaches on that day.
This contributes to my project as an example of how much litter our beaches get during certain times of the year, such as summertime when tourists come the most.
"A nonlethal device best known for beating back pirates off the coast of Somalia was deployed by local police in San Diego at political gatherings, and even at a competition to build sand castles"--September 14th, 2009
This article gives me examples of how else our beaches are being treated.
2. The current event you picked for Blog #23. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
Residents Protest End to 2nd Trash PickupFebuary 7th, 2009In Mission Beach, city trucks would come by to pick up trash twice a week. The second time in the week they would do this, it was free. However, due to budget cuts, these extra and free trash pickups can’t continue.
This gives me a starting place for my pictures and brings up budget cuts that effect garbage cans.
3. An interesting current event you found by reading a classmate's blog. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
From looking at Constance’s blog, I read an article about litter California sends down to Mexico, only to have it drift back into San Diego. More recycling programs will now be issued.
4. A brand new current event that you just found that is interesting and useful for your MSB project. Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
This article is talking about how much more people visit Sunset Cliffs, one of the beaches I will be studying, and how the increased popularity is causing vegetation loss among other things. This was only the start of the concerns.
5. Another brand new current event that you just found that is interesting and useful for your MSB project (yes, this time you are finding two new current events). Include a link to the actual news story and a sentence or so that summarizes it. Post one unique & interesting fact, idea or quote that is useful for your project.
8,000 pounds of trash 45,000 cigarette butts were left on the beach on the fourth of July, and there is now a yearly July 5th beach clean up as a result of the constant massive amounts of litter left on San Diego beaches on that day.
This contributes to my project as an example of how much litter our beaches get during certain times of the year, such as summertime when tourists come the most.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Roaring 20's (Honors History)
The Rise of Automobiles
The 1920’s was certainly an exciting time for America. The economy was fantastic, growing by 7% each year. New and useful technology was springing up left and right, such as steam turbines and electric motors, and money began to be handled in new ways that is known as common place to this day. For example, insurance and home mortgages came into place. Gasoline taxes even started up, with good reason. The automobile was taking over.
According to Nation of Nations, cars were invented at the turn of the century, but were rarely seen and used since they were so expensive. Only the richest of men could afford to own such fine and new pieces of technology. But once the 20’s began, 10 million cars were being driven in America, and by 1929, 26 million were being used. This means that one out of every five people in America had a car. The average American’s income
Henry Ford was a major Automobile manufacturer, and was possible the main person who made automobiles, once toys for the rich, into something that almost everyone could afford. The average American’s income increased by an average of 150 dollars per year for each citizen, and cars were being sold for $290. Selling cars at these low prices made getting a good pay a bit harder for Ford workers, but at the same time changed America completely. Cars became a more commonly used form of transportation, and the use of them has only increased. The Ford Motor Company was of the most popular and successful car companies in America.
But the availability of the automobile caused other issues to happen as well. Minors could get a hold of the cars, and apparently misused them quite often. Nineteen of thirty sex crimes had been committed in cars by young citizens, and that was all it took for a juvenile court judge to claim that automobiles were “prostitution on wheels”. According to Nation of Nations, having cars gave people more freedom from the usual parental authority, which might have helped lead to these outcomes.
But all together, the automobile helped the growth of the economy and became a “transportation revolution” for all of America, replacing many of the uses of railroads for everyone.
Blog 23
Post a news story or current event that is connected to your MSB work.
Residents Protest End to 2nd Trash Pickup
Febuary 7th, 2009
For years, Mission Beach residents have enjoyed a bonus – an extra round of trash pickup each week during the summer.
City trucks came by twice a week, rather than the standard once a week, to haul away the garbage at no charge.
That additional service will no longer be provided as a result of cuts made by San Diego last year to close a $43 million midyear budget gap.
Some Mission Beach residents are just beginning to learn about the loss of the service, which costs the city $58,000 a year, and are lobbying City Hall to restore it.
They say the extra round of pickup from Memorial Day to Labor Day is necessary because the coastal community has a high concentration of vacationers and other visitors who tend to generate a fair amount of trash. Many waterfront properties in Mission Beach are vacation rentals in the summer.
Residents fear the budget cut will result in alleys overflowing with trash. Garbage piles, they worry, will draw birds and bugs and create health hazards.
“I think it's being penny-wise and pound-foolish,” said Bill Bradshaw, a longtime Mission Beach resident and community activist.
He said if cans are full, people will simply leave their waste in the alley or at the beach next to trash cans.
City Councilman Kevin Faulconer, who represents Mission Beach, said he's working to find money to restore the service. “It's a quality-of-life issue,” he said.
“In those summer months, we have so many visitors and vacation rentals. That extra trash pickup is essential for the residents to have a clean neighborhood and for the visitors to have a good positive beach experience.”
Rachel Laing, the mayor's spokeswoman, said one solution is for residents to buy an extra container to hold their trash. The city's Environmental Services Department sells the cans for $70 apiece, plus $25 for delivery.
Laing said the city can't afford to undo another budget cut. San Diego faces at least a $54 million deficit next fiscal year, which starts July 1.
“There are going to be a lot of cuts that aren't going to be pretty next year. We have to stand firm on what we are doing,” she said.
Last year, Mayor Jerry Sanders proposed shutting down some libraries and recreation centers to balance the budget. The City Council held off on the closures and will likely revisit the issue.
Owners of vacation rentals say that the second round of trash pickup should be covered by the hotel taxes paid to the city. San Diego charges a 10.5 percent tax on hotel and vacation rental rooms.
“The city is making a lot of money out of those renters in the summer,” said Ikuko Holland, a customer representative with San Diego Sunset Vacation Rentals & Real Estate, which manages vacation property in Mission Beach.
Holland said it's not just the guests of vacation rentals who fill up the garbage cans. Visitors also pop their trash into residents' containers.
“If it's once a week, it's probably going to be overflowing everywhere. People coming to the beach, they just use residential trash cans,” she said.
1. Summarize the event.
In Mission Beach, city trucks would come by to pick up trash twice a week. The second time in the week they would do this, it was free. However, due to budget cuts, these extra and free trash pickups can’t continue. Residents argue that the extra pickups are necessary since Mission Bay gets so many visitors, resulting in excess trash all over.
2. What is the most important info presented in the story?
The information about the budget cuts, because it shows what we all have to change in order to be able to afford our town.
3. What info is missing?
I guess the information that is missing is what we could do to help, or if anything is being done to manage the excess garbage that will be piling up, or if there’s really that much extra.
4. How does this info play into your MSB work?
The perspectives in this piece will also come in handy for my writing since I will be going to Mission Beach to figure out how the trashcans are managed, and how much excess trash there really is in the area. The government information also gives me a glimpse into how our beaches are handled in the ways of garbage currently, and in the past.
Residents Protest End to 2nd Trash Pickup
Febuary 7th, 2009
For years, Mission Beach residents have enjoyed a bonus – an extra round of trash pickup each week during the summer.
City trucks came by twice a week, rather than the standard once a week, to haul away the garbage at no charge.
That additional service will no longer be provided as a result of cuts made by San Diego last year to close a $43 million midyear budget gap.
Some Mission Beach residents are just beginning to learn about the loss of the service, which costs the city $58,000 a year, and are lobbying City Hall to restore it.
They say the extra round of pickup from Memorial Day to Labor Day is necessary because the coastal community has a high concentration of vacationers and other visitors who tend to generate a fair amount of trash. Many waterfront properties in Mission Beach are vacation rentals in the summer.
Residents fear the budget cut will result in alleys overflowing with trash. Garbage piles, they worry, will draw birds and bugs and create health hazards.
“I think it's being penny-wise and pound-foolish,” said Bill Bradshaw, a longtime Mission Beach resident and community activist.
He said if cans are full, people will simply leave their waste in the alley or at the beach next to trash cans.
City Councilman Kevin Faulconer, who represents Mission Beach, said he's working to find money to restore the service. “It's a quality-of-life issue,” he said.
“In those summer months, we have so many visitors and vacation rentals. That extra trash pickup is essential for the residents to have a clean neighborhood and for the visitors to have a good positive beach experience.”
Rachel Laing, the mayor's spokeswoman, said one solution is for residents to buy an extra container to hold their trash. The city's Environmental Services Department sells the cans for $70 apiece, plus $25 for delivery.
Laing said the city can't afford to undo another budget cut. San Diego faces at least a $54 million deficit next fiscal year, which starts July 1.
“There are going to be a lot of cuts that aren't going to be pretty next year. We have to stand firm on what we are doing,” she said.
Last year, Mayor Jerry Sanders proposed shutting down some libraries and recreation centers to balance the budget. The City Council held off on the closures and will likely revisit the issue.
Owners of vacation rentals say that the second round of trash pickup should be covered by the hotel taxes paid to the city. San Diego charges a 10.5 percent tax on hotel and vacation rental rooms.
“The city is making a lot of money out of those renters in the summer,” said Ikuko Holland, a customer representative with San Diego Sunset Vacation Rentals & Real Estate, which manages vacation property in Mission Beach.
Holland said it's not just the guests of vacation rentals who fill up the garbage cans. Visitors also pop their trash into residents' containers.
“If it's once a week, it's probably going to be overflowing everywhere. People coming to the beach, they just use residential trash cans,” she said.
1. Summarize the event.
In Mission Beach, city trucks would come by to pick up trash twice a week. The second time in the week they would do this, it was free. However, due to budget cuts, these extra and free trash pickups can’t continue. Residents argue that the extra pickups are necessary since Mission Bay gets so many visitors, resulting in excess trash all over.
2. What is the most important info presented in the story?
The information about the budget cuts, because it shows what we all have to change in order to be able to afford our town.
3. What info is missing?
I guess the information that is missing is what we could do to help, or if anything is being done to manage the excess garbage that will be piling up, or if there’s really that much extra.
4. How does this info play into your MSB work?
The perspectives in this piece will also come in handy for my writing since I will be going to Mission Beach to figure out how the trashcans are managed, and how much excess trash there really is in the area. The government information also gives me a glimpse into how our beaches are handled in the ways of garbage currently, and in the past.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Blog 22
1. San Diego Oceans Foundation
2. Since 1984, the San Diego Oceans Foundation, a nonprofit 501 (c) 3, has built a legacy of pioneering grassroots volunteer programs which increase our understanding of marine animals, protect ecosystems, and provide solutions to environmental challenges.Through our programs, we engage community members of all ages and backgrounds in meaningful hands-on volunteer work. Whether raising white seabass, hiking canyons, educating youth or surveying local fish populations, every volunteer gains a deeper understanding and appreciation for San Diego's oceans and bays, and helps spread our message of ocean stewardship.
Pick two of the following:
3a. Marine Protected Areas: Coming to Waters Near You!
After almost a year of exhaustive laboring and meticulous planning, three groups of ocean users and enthusiasts have finalized a variety of Marine Protected Area (MPA) Proposals for southern California. One of these proposals will soon be chosen by the Fish and Game Commission and made into conservation legislation:Option 1: Prepared by a cross-section of ocean users, this proposal provides a compromise between Options 2 & 3. Option 2: Prepared primarily by fishing interests.Option 3: Prepared by conservation and science-oriented stakeholders.How to make sure your favorite underwater habitats are incorporated:Educate yourself about the current MPA proposals by visiting the CA Department of Fish and Game website. Voice your support for a strong network of MPA’s by emailing MLPAComments@resources.ca.gov. All written comments must be received by Sunday, October 11th in order to be most useful. Help protect fragile marine ecosystems for future generations to enjoy by letting policy makers know exactly why you’d like specific areas to be protected!3. Attend the LAST Blue Ribbon Task Force Meeting (with public comment opportunities) on Wednesday, October 21st at the Hilton Hotel in Long Beach and share the proposal you believe in with others. Public opinion is crucial throughout the entire process and this is your last chance to demonstrate your support!
This is a crucial hearing where the MLPA leadership will choose an option as the official preference moving forward.
Their reports didn’t give specific government names, so I’m just guessing on the ones that involved government interaction. However, most of their projects seem to just involve San Diego Governing, rather than state or country-wide governing.
2. Since 1984, the San Diego Oceans Foundation, a nonprofit 501 (c) 3, has built a legacy of pioneering grassroots volunteer programs which increase our understanding of marine animals, protect ecosystems, and provide solutions to environmental challenges.Through our programs, we engage community members of all ages and backgrounds in meaningful hands-on volunteer work. Whether raising white seabass, hiking canyons, educating youth or surveying local fish populations, every volunteer gains a deeper understanding and appreciation for San Diego's oceans and bays, and helps spread our message of ocean stewardship.
Pick two of the following:
3a. Marine Protected Areas: Coming to Waters Near You!
After almost a year of exhaustive laboring and meticulous planning, three groups of ocean users and enthusiasts have finalized a variety of Marine Protected Area (MPA) Proposals for southern California. One of these proposals will soon be chosen by the Fish and Game Commission and made into conservation legislation:Option 1: Prepared by a cross-section of ocean users, this proposal provides a compromise between Options 2 & 3. Option 2: Prepared primarily by fishing interests.Option 3: Prepared by conservation and science-oriented stakeholders.How to make sure your favorite underwater habitats are incorporated:Educate yourself about the current MPA proposals by visiting the CA Department of Fish and Game website. Voice your support for a strong network of MPA’s by emailing MLPAComments@resources.ca.gov. All written comments must be received by Sunday, October 11th in order to be most useful. Help protect fragile marine ecosystems for future generations to enjoy by letting policy makers know exactly why you’d like specific areas to be protected!3. Attend the LAST Blue Ribbon Task Force Meeting (with public comment opportunities) on Wednesday, October 21st at the Hilton Hotel in Long Beach and share the proposal you believe in with others. Public opinion is crucial throughout the entire process and this is your last chance to demonstrate your support!
This is a crucial hearing where the MLPA leadership will choose an option as the official preference moving forward.
Their reports didn’t give specific government names, so I’m just guessing on the ones that involved government interaction. However, most of their projects seem to just involve San Diego Governing, rather than state or country-wide governing.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gatsbyand Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?
I would agree that both characters are somewhat detatched from their surroundings, but in different senses. Nick is detatched from his surroundings because he doesn't really engage with what's around him too much since he's a quiet person. Gatsby on the other hand is detatched because he seems to be lost in his own thoughts a lot more often, and he's considered "different" than most of the people he's surrounded by. I think they're similar because they both seem to avoid the drama going on around them, and are (at least usually) very polite to the people they do talk to, whether they really want to be or not.
I would agree that both characters are somewhat detatched from their surroundings, but in different senses. Nick is detatched from his surroundings because he doesn't really engage with what's around him too much since he's a quiet person. Gatsby on the other hand is detatched because he seems to be lost in his own thoughts a lot more often, and he's considered "different" than most of the people he's surrounded by. I think they're similar because they both seem to avoid the drama going on around them, and are (at least usually) very polite to the people they do talk to, whether they really want to be or not.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Great Gatsby (Chapter 1)
Now that you have finished Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby, respond to the following questions:
1. Who is the narrator? Describe his perspective, biases, character traits, etc.
Nick Carraway is the narrator. He is an average (measuring by wealth) man with rich roots in his family. He doesn't have his own wealth, but parts of his family are rather high class. He is observant, polite, quiet, and a little sarcastic. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to speak up, and it almost seems as if he's afraid to speak out of term.
2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by choosing this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?
F. Scott accomplishes a sort of balance between the life of a high classman, and the life of a lower or middle classman by using Nick as his narrator, because Nick gets a glimps into both worlds. This is better than the using a third person narrative because it gives you a more personal take on what's happening (for example, when Nick has the little "heart to heart" with Daisy on the Veranda). Had F. Scot taken the perspective of one of Nick's rich family members, we'd only be able to get one side of the story.
1. Who is the narrator? Describe his perspective, biases, character traits, etc.
Nick Carraway is the narrator. He is an average (measuring by wealth) man with rich roots in his family. He doesn't have his own wealth, but parts of his family are rather high class. He is observant, polite, quiet, and a little sarcastic. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to speak up, and it almost seems as if he's afraid to speak out of term.
2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by choosing this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?
F. Scott accomplishes a sort of balance between the life of a high classman, and the life of a lower or middle classman by using Nick as his narrator, because Nick gets a glimps into both worlds. This is better than the using a third person narrative because it gives you a more personal take on what's happening (for example, when Nick has the little "heart to heart" with Daisy on the Veranda). Had F. Scot taken the perspective of one of Nick's rich family members, we'd only be able to get one side of the story.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Blog 19

1. What is the most successful element of this work sample? Why do you believe this?
The most successful element of this work would be it's way of using lighting to make the entire picture look really nice. I believe this because it doesn't seem to be easy to make a rusty beach trashcan look so appealing to the eye.
2. What is the message of the work? How do you know?
I can't really tell what the message is of thsi work. The trashcan is empty, but the beach is also clean. But I know it would be fairly easy to write a caption on this picture.
3. Who or what is the intended audience for this work? How do you know?
My guess is that the intended audiance was people who go to the beach, because the setting is clearly the beach. It's hard for me to annalyze this photo since it's pretty empty.
4. How do specific elements of the work sample come together to deliver the message?:
I can't really say what the message is, but the lighting, sharpness, and color scheme really keeps my attention and keeps me pondering.
5. Describe one technique the creator of this work used. Why do you think this technique was used for this specific piece of work?
Lighting. I think he used it because it makes the entire piece look better, and hold your attention. It holds my attention because when I see a beach trashcan, it looks far from eye catching or appealing like the one depicted above. Perhaps beauty can be found anywhere.
6. Why did you choose this work sample?
I chose this work sample because it inspires me to put a lot of effort into the timing of my pictures, so I'm conscious of what I'm trying to say, and what I want people to look at.
New and Disturbing Perspective (Honors Lit. 2)
I read Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat, and The Tell Tale Heart, both of which are centered around a murder of someone with a peculiar or frightening eye. These stories are told in the first person, narrating from the mind of what most would call a psychotic murderer. However, while reading these two famous stories, I was drawn in. It is widely known that Edgar Allen Poe was a writer of disturbing stories. But it is these disturbing stories that made him a famous classical writer.
While reading these stories, I got an introduction to Poe’s style of writing. It was dark, and a little troubling, but at the same time, it held my interest. Edgar Allen Poe’s thinking in these writings are the entire core of the stories. Had Edgar Allen Poe not written these stories from the murderer’s point of view, it would not have been as interesting. There are much more books that narrate from a spectator’s point of view on a murder than from the murderer’s. Spectator narrations consist mostly of describing how horrible and wrong the murders were. So of course by now we understand that murder is wrong, and certainly unjustifiable. But then there’s always that lingering wonder of how the felon could even go through with something so brutal, and why. Reading these stories gave me a new perspective that I hadn’t seen before, thus holding my interest.
One thing in particular that sparked my interest was a line Poe used in The Black Cat. “Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action, for no other reason than he knows he should not?” This gave me a way of actually relating to the killer, which was already scary to think of. To the murderer in the story, killing the cat was a sort of rebellion, which I know I have found myself feeling or wanting to feel the same way. Since Poe brought up this common trait of humans, I got even more interested. In a way, he was pointing out the psychopath in all of us. This was certainly a new and wild way of thinking that could get just about anyone to wonder more about the complexities of a murderer.
Not only did I get the answer as to how the murderer’s mind works, but I also found yet another complexity in the story. “I hung it because I knew that it loved me…—hung it because I knew in doing so I was committing a sin”. Now I even had the answer to what made the killer want to kill his victim in the first place. It was both logical and insane at the same time. This sentence is a way of saying that he wants something to change in his life because he’s tired of going through the same old good-guy routine, which is how he was in the beginning of the story. This also applies to why Poe’s stories have so many readers’ appeal.
It is the new perspective and thought process that inhibit this madman’s mind that draws us in. Most people prefer not to tap into this sort of mindset and write it down on paper, so when you get a chance to actually read it, it’s refreshing and frightening enough to make you want more. It’s sort of like a treat. For example, candy is a treat, so when someone gets it, they want more because it’s not every day that they get it. The same reasoning applies to this type of writing.
These stories embrace the part of the mind that society would rather shun. The part of the mind that everyone attempts to hide, or pretends not to notice most of the time. While most murder stories are focused on talking about how wrong it is, Edgar Allen Poe goes into the actual insanity behind it all. Reading into Poe’s stories is like exploring a whole new place. It was an adventure, so to speak. The stories tapped into that childhood curiosity that is always asking why? So of course when offered an answer, we want to explore into it. I suppose it’s the closest thing to insanity we can touch upon without actually being insane. The works of Edgar Allen Poe are so interesting because they’re curious and out of the ordinary. Ordinary is boring and seen all the time, so seeing something out of the ordinary is what makes things more exciting. Because it’s different, or something you’re not used to, it takes you out of what you’re used to seeing, and out of your usual boundaries. This out of the ordinary thinking puts excitement into Edgar Allen Poe’s stories because reader’s can rarely predict what is going to happen next.
While reading these stories, I got an introduction to Poe’s style of writing. It was dark, and a little troubling, but at the same time, it held my interest. Edgar Allen Poe’s thinking in these writings are the entire core of the stories. Had Edgar Allen Poe not written these stories from the murderer’s point of view, it would not have been as interesting. There are much more books that narrate from a spectator’s point of view on a murder than from the murderer’s. Spectator narrations consist mostly of describing how horrible and wrong the murders were. So of course by now we understand that murder is wrong, and certainly unjustifiable. But then there’s always that lingering wonder of how the felon could even go through with something so brutal, and why. Reading these stories gave me a new perspective that I hadn’t seen before, thus holding my interest.
One thing in particular that sparked my interest was a line Poe used in The Black Cat. “Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action, for no other reason than he knows he should not?” This gave me a way of actually relating to the killer, which was already scary to think of. To the murderer in the story, killing the cat was a sort of rebellion, which I know I have found myself feeling or wanting to feel the same way. Since Poe brought up this common trait of humans, I got even more interested. In a way, he was pointing out the psychopath in all of us. This was certainly a new and wild way of thinking that could get just about anyone to wonder more about the complexities of a murderer.
Not only did I get the answer as to how the murderer’s mind works, but I also found yet another complexity in the story. “I hung it because I knew that it loved me…—hung it because I knew in doing so I was committing a sin”. Now I even had the answer to what made the killer want to kill his victim in the first place. It was both logical and insane at the same time. This sentence is a way of saying that he wants something to change in his life because he’s tired of going through the same old good-guy routine, which is how he was in the beginning of the story. This also applies to why Poe’s stories have so many readers’ appeal.
It is the new perspective and thought process that inhibit this madman’s mind that draws us in. Most people prefer not to tap into this sort of mindset and write it down on paper, so when you get a chance to actually read it, it’s refreshing and frightening enough to make you want more. It’s sort of like a treat. For example, candy is a treat, so when someone gets it, they want more because it’s not every day that they get it. The same reasoning applies to this type of writing.
These stories embrace the part of the mind that society would rather shun. The part of the mind that everyone attempts to hide, or pretends not to notice most of the time. While most murder stories are focused on talking about how wrong it is, Edgar Allen Poe goes into the actual insanity behind it all. Reading into Poe’s stories is like exploring a whole new place. It was an adventure, so to speak. The stories tapped into that childhood curiosity that is always asking why? So of course when offered an answer, we want to explore into it. I suppose it’s the closest thing to insanity we can touch upon without actually being insane. The works of Edgar Allen Poe are so interesting because they’re curious and out of the ordinary. Ordinary is boring and seen all the time, so seeing something out of the ordinary is what makes things more exciting. Because it’s different, or something you’re not used to, it takes you out of what you’re used to seeing, and out of your usual boundaries. This out of the ordinary thinking puts excitement into Edgar Allen Poe’s stories because reader’s can rarely predict what is going to happen next.
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